University of San Francisco School of Law

American Bar Association / ABA

Twelve More Law Schools Slapped with Class Action Lawsuits Over Employment Data

Back in October, we informed our readers that law school litigators Jesse Strauss and David Anziska intended to file class action lawsuits against 15 additional schools, on top of the two they'd already filed against Cooley Law and New York Law School. In mid-December, we brought you an update on the status of those potential filings after Anziska told us that at least three named plaintiffs had been secured for 11 out of the 15 law schools on October's target list. And now, about a month and a half later, have we got some news for you....

American Bar Association / ABA

Fifteen More Law Schools to Be Hit with Class Action Lawsuits Over Post-Grad Employment Rates

Kurzon Strauss, the law firm that brought us some of the most prolific class action lawsuits of the year has split up. Breaking up is hard to do, especially when you've got major cases to deal with. So, what's a lawyer to do? Apparently the solution is to file fifteen more class action lawsuits against law schools with questionable post-graduate employment data. Is your law school or alma mater a defendant?